Success Story

A powerful tool for counting inventory!

Learn how to save time so you can focus on other areas of your business. 

Counting Hands-2-min

trakr Counting

A Case Study

Image of two to go offee cups

The Company

The management team of a popular coffee shop franchise with a high volume of daily traffic was looking for ways to streamline operations and processes to free up time to serve its customers faster and more efficiently.  

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Not Enough Time in the Day

The greatest challenge faced monthly was finding the time to count inventory. Counting inventory with pen and paper sometimes took up to a full day. With the frequent starting, stopping and employee interruptions that come with managing a business, the manager was tied up for a significant amount of time. In some cases, this allowed for error. The method used to count products was with pen and paper (and a clipboard) and then manually entering the totals into a POS inventory system. 


Getting Organized

The franchise decided to use the trakr Counting solution to solve this challenge. Working closely with the trakrSuite team to organize their Product Catalog within the Online Management Console (OMC), ensuring products with unique SKUs were associated with the appropriate Categories and Areas. Once products were organized, shelf labels were created in the app and then placed on the shelves, enabling the use of an iPhone with a mobile scanning peripheral to count inventory. It was a similar experience to the pen-and-paper method - only incredibly faster and with no errors!

70% Reduction in Time to Count

The implementation of trakr Counting immediately impacted the coffee shop's operations. The time required to count inventory was reduced from 2.5 hours to just under 27 minutes (a 70% reduction in the time to count). In truth, the manager felt like a whole day had been saved! This allowed the business to focus on other, more critical tasks within the organization.

Valuable Investment

Time and how workers use it can be a significant operational challenge for all businesses. By returning physical time to the work day of an end user, the focus on customer service and employee resource management was increased. The trakr Counting solution saved time and resources and helped improve accuracy and efficiency in inventory management. As a result, the coffee shop manager could focus on other essential aspects of the business. The solution proved to be a valuable investment.

Digital Clipboard

Ditch the pen and paper! Our solution uses your iPhone to count.

Count 10x Faster

Reduce the time it takes to complete your inventory counts!

Easy Onboarding

Easily import your Product Catalog, set up your Categories & Areas, and start counting!


More questions?

Reach out to us! We would love to show you how trakr Counting can save your business time and money.